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Company Data Pledge

At Compai, we understand the importance of trust and privacy in the real estate world. That's why we pledge to uphold the following principles:

Data Ownership: Your client data belongs to you. As a real estate professional, you're in control, and we're here to support your business, not claim your valuable information.
No Selling, No Intrusion: We will never compromise your client relationships by selling your data to third parties. Your trust is the foundation of our partnership, and we're committed to keeping it intact.
Deletion Empowerment: Need a fresh start or just cleaning house? You have the power to delete your data at any time. It's your business, your data – we're here to facilitate, not complicate.
Client Confidentiality: Your client connections are sacred. Rest assured, we will never contact your clients. Your relationships are exclusive to you, and we respect the sanctity of those connections.

In the dynamic world of real estate, trust and control are non-negotiable. Compai is your partner, prioritizing your data security, empowering your business, and respecting the essence of your client relationships.


Justin Ramos Signature

Chief Executive Officer | Justin Ramos

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at

Last Updated: February 27th 2024